Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 6

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

There is a soreness I have experienced every year here where my body aches from either mixing concrete by hand or digging which has always been tempered with the satisfaction of work well done. Then there is the soreness I have experienced today from lifting and swinging children, playing games with children, and then playing soccer that I can say is even more satisfying.

Today was our last day at LP. There was a last minute need to have a teacher substitute in the school. Thankfully, we just “happen” to have several on our team. So Amy and Heather took over for several classes and enjoyed every minute of it.

Jimmy and Eric continued working in the trenches with Josue and Eddy. Another crew went with Angie to help teach P.E. to the Kinder class. Afterwards, we all drove to the same nearby public school to basically play various activities with the hundred or so children. The difference, however, between this school and Academia de La Providencia could not have been greater. But the children were very loving and enjoyed the two hours or so we were there.

Today was also the last day with the school children and our playground soccer game. I love that the children enjoy spending time with us as much as we enjoy time with them. Many are still fascinated with my “removing the thumb trick,” juggling and other silly shticks. I will miss these truly precious children.

We spent the afternoon playing with the Providence children, making more balloon animals (0ver 200 for the week), and throwing the Frisbee.

After work, we all joined many of the staff to play soccer in an indoor facility (with artificial surface) in an outdoor setting. (This was certainly a step up from the other places we played in the evenings that were on concrete courts.) We divided into three teams mixing Norte Americanos and Honduranos. The team that scored stayed to play again and the other team came on the field. A wonderful time despite playing much of the time in the down pouring rain.

We ate a late dinner and finished the day singing worship songs and hearing Jimmy’s passionate testimony and thanksgiving for his time with the workers here. I am sure there were no dry eyes among us.

We did finish the murals or triptych yesterday. We thought of a project that would allow the children to create parts of it that would, when put together, make a picture. The idea would emphasize the spiritual truth that the body of Christ is made up of many parts. Thus we created three icons representing the three parts of 1 Corinthians 13: faith hope, and love. Using individually painted circles (well over 1,200), these were glued together to make the three images below (and will be hopefully mounted soon).

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