Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday: Encouragement through Prayer

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” Isaiah 43:2a

Before our trip to the mighty waters of the waterfall at Pulhpanzak, we briefly met with everyone and the Hillcrest Bible Church team. JC read from Psalm 29 and Isaiah 43. These verses were appropriate as the waterfall and hiking behind them and into a tiny cave behind them, there is a healthy amount of “fear-for-your-life” that we could only hold onto each other and the promises of God. A very invigorating experience to say the least.

Several rode the zip lines which zig-zagged across the river and ended with several rides across the falls. Dinner at Henry's was a relaxing and enjoyable time. The food was fantastic. I asked Henry if he ate like this every night. He responded, “No, otherwise he would be fat.” 

Matt ended the evening with a devotional about Jesus washing the disciple’s feet from John 13 as it relates to the theme of encouraging one another through service. 

Because of lack of time this morning, I did not get to share the last morning devotional: encouragement through prayer. And fatigue has hit us all, I challenged us to continue to pray for the believers here, the children of La Providencia, and the entire country. A great way to end a fulfilling and exhausting week. May we continue to encourage others as we have this week.

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